Analysis of folk literature in grey literature from the National Library of China
When the Virtual Becomes Reality: An Environmental Scan of the Presence of Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence in Health and Cancer Care Environments
The Q-Codes: Metadata, Research data, and Desiderata, Oh My! Improving Access to Grey Literature
Open Data engages Citation and Reuse: A Follow-up Study on Enhanced Publication
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A Case Study on the Content Curation for Improving Effectiveness of Research Reports
Librarians' Role in GAO Reports
Research Data Management: What can librarians really help?
Measuring reuse of institutionally-hosted grey literature
Data Management and the Role of Librarians
The data librarian: myth, reality or utopia?
Legal Issues Surrounding the Collection, Use and Access to Grey Data in the University Setting; How Data Policies Reflect the Political Will of Organizations
When is ‘grey’ too ‘grey’? A case of grey data
Creating, using, and distributing compliant research data: A model for fulfilling legal and policy requirements
On Open Access to Research Data: A DANS Use Case