- Goggi et al - Providing access to Grey Literature: the CLARIN infrastructure
- Vaska Giustini and Vycitalova - Strategies for Teaching and Learning About Grey Literature, Including the Dissemination and Exchange of Information
- Cernohlavkova and Vycitalova - Istitutional Repository versus National Aggregator
- GreyNet - International Conference Series on Grey Literature
- WWS.org - An International Partnership to Improve Access to Scientific and Technical Information and Research Data
- Doorn et al - Do you want to play FAIR?
- OpenAIRE - OpenAIRE Advancing Open Science
- Bartolini et al - Data Visualization of a GL Community: A Cooperative Project
- Drees, Nekhayenko and Plank - A Survey On Conference Recordings: Video is the new grey
- EBSCO-GOBI - One stop ... Millions of Possibilities
- Shin et al - Development of Visualization Search Service Model using Keyword Social Network for R&D Report
- Biagioni et al - GreyGuide Porta and Repositories "sharing knowledge as early as possible"
- Farace Frantzen and Smith - Data Papers Project
- Son et al - Classification Assistance for Korean R&D Project Using Machine Learning Techniques
- Carlson Schopfel and Vaska - Grey Literature LibGuides or LibGuides about Grey Literature: A Two-Continent Environmental Scan of Common Themes & Trends