GL Conference Proceedings (1993- ....)


Confronting Climate Change with Trusted Grey Resources
Amsterdam, Netherlands - 2024


Publishing Grey Literature in the Digital Century

Digital Transformation of Grey Literature: Exploring Next Generation Grey
Amsterdam - 2021

Applications Of Grey Literature For Science And Society
Roma - 2020

Open Science Encompasses New Forms of Grey Literature
Hanover - 2019

Research Data Fuels and Sustains Grey Literature
New Orleans - 2018

Public Awareness and Access to Grey Literature
Roma - 2017

Leveraging Diversity in Grey Literature
New York - 2016

A New Wave of Textual and Non-Textual Grey Literature

Amsterdam - 2015

Grey Literature Lobby: Engines and Requesters for Change
Washington D.C. - 2014

The Grey Audit: A Field Assessment in Grey Literature
 Bratislava - 2013

Tracking Innovation Through Grey Literature
Roma - 2012

The Grey Ciruit: From Social Networking to Wealth Creation
Washington D.C. - 2011

Transparency in Grey Literature: Grey Tech Approaches to High Tech Issues
Prague - 2010
The Grey Mosaic, Piecing it All Together
Washington D.C. - 2009
Design the Grey Grid for Information Society
Amsterdam - 2008
Grey Foundations in Information Landscape
Antwerp - 2007

Harnessing the Power of Grey
New Orleans - 2006

Open Access to Grey Resources
Nancy - 2005

Work on Grey in Progress
New York - 2004

Grey Matters in the World of Networked Information
Amsterdam - 2003

New Frontiers in Grey Literature
Washington D.C. - 1999


Perspectives on the Design and Transfer of Scientific and Techinical Information

Luxembourg -1997


Grey Exloitations in the 21'st Century
Washington D.C. - 1995


Weinberg Report 2000

Amsterdam -1993